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Why Does Ahri's Q Have True Dmg

exinosstuplatac 2020. 9. 23. 22:58

Why does ahri

  1. Why Does Ahri's Q Have True Dmg On Iphone
  2. Why Does Ahri's Q Have True Dmg Start

Why Does AhriWhy Does Ahri

Why Does Ahri's Q Have True Dmg On Iphone

After mass nerft on Ahri, specially on her skill ap ratio, she suddenly fall of favorite as mid.
----- SPOIL WARMING on 02.22.2014 NA LCS, CST vs TSM ------
In today LCS game which CST vs TSM, Shiphtur pull Ahri and make her work again in completive scene again. However, instance of building DeathCap as the second big item, he build Lich Bane and even pull out a xpeke in the end, bringing a stop on TSM 12 winning streak. Therefore, I am been wondering how bigger a difference for Ahri to build those two items (Deathcap & LIch Bane) in dmg
Before you dig into the number, Let me clarify few thing.
- This data is purely for the output dmg, doesn't included the DMG and Armor ratio
- This data doesn't included mastery tat increase overall dmg, ex: hovac (+3% all dmg)
- Skill Reference:http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ahri
- Why lvl 12? It is when player max ahri's q which was her peak of the dmg in the past.
- I assume the player can put in at least 3 Auto attack (Comon, you have 3 dashes. How hard can tat be?)
- 1) = building DeathCap, 2)= building Lich Bane
- md=magic damage
Picture Link of the Data (http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1024x768q90/829/bhim.png)
5%ap on basic
5% ap
basic 50(+3 per lvl)
lvl 12,
basic 50+36= 86
q, max, md140+0.325ap , true dmg 140+0.325ap
w, lvl 2,104 md + 0.64 ap
e, lvl 1,60md+0.35ap
r, lvl 1,210+.09ap
+15 ap
+120 ap
+120 ap
+30% ap
+20% magic dmg
(301.7)x35%= 407.3
86ad +20.4magic dmg(5%ap)
q, 140+142.55 + trued dmg 140+142.55 = 282.55 md + true dmg 282.55
w, 104+ 260.67 = 364.67 md
e, 60+142.55 = 202.55 md
r, 210+366.57= 576.57 md
+15 ap
+120 ap
basic +50 md +.75 ap
+20% magic dmg
(261.7)x5%= 274.8
q, 140+ 89.31 + true dmg 140+89.31 = 229.31md + true dmg 229.31
w, 104+175.87 = 279.87 md
e, 60+96.18 = 156.18 md
r,210+247.32 = 457.32 md
DMG output
(282.55+364.67+202.55+576.57)x(20%+20%)= 1996.88md
282.55 true dmg
[86ad+20.4mdx(40%)]x3= (86ad+28.56md)x3=258ad+ 85.86md
258ad+2082.74 md+ 282.55 true dmg
(229.31+279.87+156.18+457.32)x(20%+20%) = 1571.75md
229.31 true dmg
[86ad+269.8mdx(40%)]x3=(86ad+377.72md)x3 =258ad + 1133.16 md
258ad+2704.91 md +229.31 true dmg
Lich bane Deal 622.17 md more - 53.24 true dmg

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Why Does Ahri's Q Have True Dmg Start

Actually such things do increase ignite true dmg. Another example is shacos passive (he deals additional dmg when attacking from behind) when he uses smite while standing in the back of a minion/dragon etc, he deal extra dmg. Can I hit with Ahri's Q more than twice? Does Janna's shield increase a tower's damage? Warwick attack speed. Both have theyre strengths. Im an Ahri main and play Zoe if Ahri is picked or banned. Zoe has for example more dmg and is not so easy to see through. Ahri does not have that much dmg available unless she's snowballing. Why are you upset about it? Then just play Ahri and stop upseting for nothing.