Sybaris Prime Does No Dmg
Jun 03, 2017 Sybaris Prime will kill high armored enemies at least twice as fast due to corrosive procs. 10% to 25% base status is a increase of 150% in status. And that means the Sybaris prime will probably be able to get over 100% crit and 95% status with a good riven. The next prime to ship after oberon is gonna be hydroid, DE seems to strategically pack the prime accesses so bad frames get good shit and vice versa ( prime examples are oberon having sybaris p and valkyr having cernos p). Hydroid is by that standard in no way shape or form ever going to get non top tier.
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Dex Sybaris Vs Sybaris Prime
The Sybaris Prime is a burst first rifle, with high base damage and good status chance. Excellent long-range accuracy makes this a solid marksman rifle for people who prefer to pick their targets off from a distance. The even split of damage between Impact, Puncture, and Slash also make it a great weapon to bring to any mission, as you know it will hold up well against all types of enemies.
Sybaris Prime Relics
The critical thing about farming for Primes is knowing which relics to look for while playing the game. The following Relics contain the various components you need to build your Sybaris Prime and the rarity of the component.
- Blueprint – Neo N11 – Common
- Barrel – Axi S6 – Rare
- Receiver – Neo G3 – Uncommon
- Stock – Lith S9 – Common
Sybaris Prime Relic Farming
Sybaris Prime Does No Dmg Look
This is an Unvaulting that does not reward Relics in the usual fashion. Instead of just farming Relics like you normally would, they will only drop from missions in the Void, or from Cetus and Orb Vallis bounties. The bounties are perhaps the easiest way to get the Relics, as the rewards will be clearly marked for each bounty when you visit Konzu at Cetus, or Eudico at Fortuna.
Sybaris Prime Barrel Relic
Just check the rewards, then grind the bounty that can drop the Relic that you are looking for. All the Relics can drop as random rewards upon completion of a bounty stage.
There you go Tenno, now should have no problem farming those Sybaris Prime Relics. Best of luck.